Patient Information


The admission office is located directly inside the main lobby entrance. Regular admission hours are 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Please register when you arrive. During the admission process, the hospital will verify information regarding your personal data. Your information is kept confidential.  

ID & Allergy Bracelets

You will receive an identification bracelet when you are admitted. Because we must be sure of accurate patient identification at all times, we ask you to wear your bracelet throughout your stay. You may also be asked to wear other types of identification banding. For example, you may be asked to wear an allergy or blood administration band.

Advance Directives

If you have an advance directive such as a living will, healthcare proxy, or durable power of attorney for healthcare, please bring a copy of this form with you and we can keep it on file at NCH.

Copays & Estimated costs

We ask that you bring your required copays with you to your scheduled appointment. We have an eligibility verification tool to help you see what is going to be your financial responsibility once your insurance has been processed and paid.


We bill all insurance companies and participate with several plans in our local area and have some managed care contracts in place to offer you additional savings. Once your insurance has been processed, the coinsurance, deductible, and noncovered amounts are your financial responsibility. You will receive a statement once the billing is finalized. Payment in full is expected after insurance has been processed.

Financial Assistance

We offer financial assistance options and various payment plan options for all services. Please ask any staff member for more detailed information.


Your privacy is our concern. NCH follows all current HIPAA practices and ensures that you patient health information will be kept confidential and only used for treatment, payment and healthcare operations.

Patient Parking

Patient parking is available in the two north parking lots outside the main hospital entrance.

The hospital is not liable for any vehicles or belongings in vehicles left unattended in the parking lot.

For the Hard of Hearing

Phones are equipped with an option to increase volume for our hearing impaired patients.

Translation Services

Assistance is available for our patients that require translation services. Please ask your nurse.


Mail is delivered unopened each day Monday through Friday; any outgoing mail is also picked up. After your dismissal, we will forward your mail to your home. If you would like help with mail, please ask for assistance.


The Nemaha County Herald is delivered on Wednesdays.

Notary Public

Notary public services are available upon request.

Chaplain & Pastoral Services

Chaplain visits are offered daily, Monday-Friday. Pastoral services are also available upon request. Please ask your nurse.

Patient Meals

Patient meals are served at:
8:00 a.m.
11:40 a.m.
5:00 p.m.

Snacks are available as ordered by your practitioner and as requested, according to your diet.

Wireless Internet Access

We offer free, wireless internet services. If you have problems connecting, please ask for assistance.

Neighbor to Neighbor

Neighbor to Neighbor provides medical transportation to senior citizens & disabled citizens in Nemaha County. Because we are volunteer-based, we can’t guarantee that we can meet all requests, but with 24-hour advance notice, we can meet most of them.

Please contact us at (402) 274-4277 or email:

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Notice of Availability of Language Assistance Services and Auxiliary Aids and Services